Brains Projects: Evolution of Service Companies Workflow

Find out how innovation and the pursuit of extraordinary solutions impact the service company's workflow.

Traditionally, the activities of a service company are centered around the client, his needs and goals. Focusing on a specific group of projects and tasks, the company builds internal work processes, selects staff and forms its mission. There are three main groups of projects: brains, gray hair and procedures. Each of these types has its own distinctive characteristics and visible advantages.

Basic Project Definitions

Let’s take the client’s task or goal as a starting point. Further personnel selection and project implementation models will depend on its complexity and degree of innovation.

1. Procedures Projects

The “Procedures” project type is usually aimed at solving well-known problems. As a rule, customers resort to the help of a service company, because they do not have enough resources or time for solving it themselves. In this way, the service company sells its efficiency, stating that they know exactly how to do it quickly, effectively and at high quality. This type of project involves specialists who are not required to have a high level of knowledge or skills, for example, junior or middle developers.

2. Gray Hair Projects

Grey Hair Projects also focus on already known problems, however, to solve them requires more skills. These are customized solutions to problems, the general essence of which is well known. In this case, the service company applies a minimum of innovation and new knowledge to obtain an individual solution, since it is based on previously gained experience, knowledge, and skills. That is, the company sells its experience, claiming that it is really great at such tasks.



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3. Brains Projects

In Brains projects, the client’s problem is either very complex or at the peak of professional or technical knowledge. The key elements of this kind of professional services are creativity and innovation: new approaches, concepts or methods. In other words, these are new solutions to new problems. The staff of the company focused on the provision of such services are the highest-class specialists. Such a service company sells its expertise, telling the market that it’s the smartest.

It is believed that the harmonious development of a service company is manifested in a gradual transition from one type of project to another, as the expertise of specialists is constantly growing. That is, the level of employees, their experience and knowledge allow them to solve more complex problems using innovative solutions.

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Why Brains Projects Are the Most Demandable?

The latest technologies have significantly changed the face of key global industries. For example, financials makes extensive use of special algorithms to protect data, the healthcare uses Big Data Analytics for medical developments and exchange of experience, and Retailing and Consumer Services offer more customized and unusual experience thanks to AR and VR technologies. However, the use of new technologies also causes new needs for customers to create software, applications or web pages that have never been before.

This is how Brains projects appear. It all starts with a challenge – a task that requires an original solution. The service company is required to maximize the involvement of high-level specialists to turn the idea into reality. The project itself goes through several stages: from in-depth analysis and study of the essence of the problem to the engineering and maintenance of the result. It could be a mobile app development for medical or financial purposes or building a marketplace with innovative experience and features.

In addition, high competition requires companies to implement more technological and original solutions. These days the key to success and prosperity of many industry leaders is in being the first to provide their user with an original service or product. In this case, the use of customized solutions in app or web development will only allow repeating someone’s else path to success, but not become the innovative leader.

Innovation is becoming synonymous with high profits in the business environment. Being an innovator and a pioneer means to occupy a special place in the industrial hierarchy. Service companies focused on the implementation of complex projects, in addition to deep knowledge in the development of new solutions, have expertise in the industry, its needs, problems and future changes for the coming decades. This is what allows them to constantly increase their competence in the workflow and offer extraordinary solutions.

Road to Success in Service Company Workflow Evolution

The constant pursuit of growth and development underlies the evolution of the service company. For example, Computools LLC is moving along the same path, raising experts and high-class specialists within its pool of talent, encouraging their creativity, freedom, and originality of thinking. To implement Brains projects, it’s not enough to supplement the staff with seniors, it’s important to unleash the potential of each employee, motivate him and promote the growth.

Another important component of success is the smart management and distribution of the talent pool when working on a project. Harmoniously using the three E – Expertise, Experience, Efficiency, – it is necessary to distribute the tasks in such a way that everyone shows himself in the best way, doing what he is really good at.

Thus, internal transformations and changes in the workflow of the service company allow it to switch from Efficiency to Expertise.

As the requirements and needs of the market change, the focus of service companies is also shifting towards the creation of a new one. That is why it is predicted that Brains projects will become a key goal of service companies in the next five years.

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