Platforms & Products Engineering
For Business

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As a Chief Technology Officer, you see your technology assets as a platform to support the company’s future growth, integrate with existing systems, and provide a secure environment for sensitive data. Your aim is a scalable, secure platform that performs well and enhances your reputation. Your vision is a platform that provides clear APIs and documentation, has easy-to-use developer tools and a supportive community of developers. You want the system to retain the ability to change quickly to meet business objectives. You expect high speed and low cost for adding to your development team.
As a Head of Product, you want to build and deploy new products quickly and easily, with a focus on user experience and innovation. You expect your technology platform to be customisable and scalable so you can experiment and bring the tested solutions to the market. You want the system to be stable and cost-effective under any load via dynamic scaling.
As a Head of Architecture, your goal is to build and arrange platform architecture, performance benchmarks, scalability, security features, and development tools. You want to develop and maintain a platform that can handle high volumes of data and transactions with a robust architecture that can be easily extended and modified.
For companies that already think of their product offering as a platform, the vision shifts towards enhancement and evolution. The focus is on upgrading the platform to incorporate the latest technologies, improving scalability, and ensuring higher security standards. Continuous improvement in user experience, integration of advanced analytics, and leveraging AI and machine learning are key for the long-term viability of the platform.


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need to be agile and innovative to stay ahead of the competition. That's where Computools can help. We are a leading IT company with a proven track record of success in helping businesses develop and launch cutting-edge platforms and products.

Platforms & Products Engineering

Solution Architecture

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Experienced solution architects will help you clearly define your business goals and needs, and design a software architecture that meets those goals. This will ensure clear understanding and alignment within the team on what needs to be built and how it should work.
  • Solution architects can help you identify and mitigate potential problems early in the development process, which can save you time, money, and effort. We can also help you choose the right technologies and tools for your project, which can help avoid costly mistakes.
  • A solution architecture that is designed with future growth in mind will allow your software to scale to meet your needs. It will also make your software more flexible so that you can easily adapt to changing business requirements.
  • Experienced solution architects can design a software architecture that is optimized for performance and reliability. This can result in faster, more responsive, and more reliable software.
  • A well-designed solution architecture makes software easier to maintain and support. This can reduce operating costs and make it easier to make changes to the software in the future.

UX/UI Design services

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Improved User Experience (UX): our professional UX designers can research your users’ needs and behaviors to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This can lead to increased user engagement, conversion, and satisfaction.
  • Enhanced User Interface (UI): our professional UI designers will create a visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing interface that aligns with your brand. This can improve your brand image and make your product or service more attractive to users.
  • Increased Conversion: our result-oriented approach in creating UX/UI design can help you boost conversions by encouraging users to take desired actions, such as signing up, purchasing, or downloading.
  • Reduced Development Costs: involving UX/UI designers early in the project can help you identify and resolve potential problems before they lead to costly development errors.
  • Increased Return on Investment (ROI): well-designed UX/UI can lead to a significant increase in the ROI of your product or platform.

Project Management

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Reduced costs: by outsourcing project management to us, you can save money on the costs of hiring, training, and retaining a project manager. We have a pool of experienced project managers on staff who are already familiar with the latest project management methodologies and tools. This can help to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Improved project outcomes: we have a proven track record of successfully delivering software development projects. We have the experience and expertise to identify and mitigate potential risks, and we are skilled at managing complex projects with multiple stakeholders. As a result, you can expect to see improved project outcomes, including higher quality software, fewer defects, and faster time to market.
  • Increased focus on core business: you can free up your internal staff to focus on their core business activities. This can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and greater innovation.
  • Access to a wider range of expertise: we have a team of experts with a wide range of skills and experience. This can be a valuable resource for you if you need help with tasks such as requirements gathering, risk assessment, and change management.
  • Peace of mind: knowing that your project is in the hands of experienced professionals can give you peace of mind. This can allow you to focus on other important matters, such as developing your business strategy and marketing your products and platforms.

Web Development

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Expertise and experience: we have teams of experts with the skills and experience to design, develop, and implement complex web products and platforms. We are up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends, and we can help you create a website, web product and web platform that meets your specific needs and goals.
  • Time and cost savings: developing a website, web product or web platform in-house can be a time-consuming and expensive process. By hiring us, you can save money on the cost of hiring and training employees, and you can get your expectations up and running faster.
  • Quality assurance: we have a rigorous quality assurance process in place to ensure that your website, web product or web platform is bug-free and meets your standards.
  • Scalability and security: we can design and develop a website, web product or web platform that can scale to meet your growing needs. We can also help you secure it from cyberattacks.
  • Ongoing support: we do ongoing support for our clients. This means that you can get help if you have any problems with your website, web product or web platform after it is launched.

Mobile Apps Development

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Access to a team of experts: we have teams of experienced and skilled developers who are up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends. This can help to ensure that your app is developed on time, within budget, and to a high standard.
  • Reduced costs: hiring us can be more cost-effective than developing an app in-house. This is because you will not have to pay for the salaries and benefits of full-time developers, and you will not have to invest in the necessary software and hardware.
  • Increased efficiency: we have a proven track record of delivering high-quality apps on time and within budget. We also have the experience and expertise to manage complex projects effectively.
  • Peace of mind: when you hire us, you can rest assured that your app is in good hands. You will have a dedicated project manager who will keep you updated on the progress of your project and address any concerns you may have.
  • Access to new technologies: we have access to the latest technologies and tools. This can help you to develop innovative and cutting-edge apps that meet your specific needs.
  • Scalability: we can help you to scale your app to meet your growing needs. This is important if you are planning to launch your app to a large audience.
  • Improve your time to market: we can help you to get your app to market quickly and efficiently. This can give you a competitive edge in the marketplace.
  • Reduce risk: we can help you to identify and mitigate risks associated with app development. This can help to protect your investment.
  • Get ongoing support: we provide ongoing support for your app after it has been launched. This can help to ensure that your app is up-to-date and running smoothly.

Software Testing

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Expertise: we have a deep understanding of the testing process and the latest tools and technologies. We can help you identify and fix bugs early in the development process, which can save you time and money in the long run.
  • Objectivity: in-house developers may be too close to the project to objectively evaluate the software. We can provide an unbiased perspective and help you identify areas that need improvement.
  • Cost-effectiveness: outsourcing software testing can be more cost-effective than hiring and training your own staff. We have the economies of scale to offer testing services at a lower price than you could do yourself.
  • Scalability: we can scale our testing services up or down to meet your needs. This is especially beneficial if you are working on a project with a tight deadline or if you have a fluctuating workload.
  • Access to new technologies: we have access to the latest software testing tools and technologies. This can help you ensure that your software is tested thoroughly and that it meets the latest industry standards.
  • Reduced risk: by outsourcing software testing, you can reduce the risk of releasing software that contains bugs or defects. This can help you protect your reputation and avoid costly customer support issues.
  • Improved time to market: by identifying and fixing bugs early in the development process, software testing can help you get your product to market faster. This can give you a competitive edge and help you increase your profits.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: releasing high-quality software can help you improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer churn. This can lead to increased revenue and long-term growth.


Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Faster time to market: our DevOps practices can help you release new products and features to market faster.
  • Improved software quality: our DevOps practices can also help to improve the quality of software. This is because our DevOps teams typically use a variety of tools and techniques to automate testing and monitoring, which can help to identify and fix bugs early in the development process.
  • Reduced costs: our DevOps practices can also help to reduce costs. This is because our DevOps teams can help to automate many of the manual tasks involved in the software development process, which can reduce the need for labor. Additionally, our DevOps teams can help to improve the quality of software, which can reduce the number of defects that need to be fixed after release. Finally, our DevOps teams can help to improve the efficiency of IT operations, which can also reduce costs.
  • Increased agility: our DevOps practices can also help you to be more agile. This is because our DevOps teams are able to respond to change quickly and easily. Additionally, our DevOps teams are typically more collaborative, which can help to break down silos and make it easier for teams to work together.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: our DevOps practices can also help to improve customer satisfaction. This is because our DevOps teams can help to deliver higher quality software faster and more frequently. Additionally, our DevOps teams can help to improve the reliability of software, which can reduce the number of outages and downtime. Finally, our DevOps teams can help to improve the security of software, which can protect customer data.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Improved performance and stability: we can help to improve the performance and stability of software solutions by identifying and fixing bugs, optimizing code, and applying updates. This can help to reduce downtime and improve the overall user experience.
  • Enhanced security: we can also help to enhance the security of software solutions by identifying and patching security vulnerabilities, implementing security best practices, and monitoring for security threats. This can help to protect sensitive data and prevent cyberattacks.
  • Extended lifespan: we can help to extend the lifespan of software solutions by keeping them up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. This can help to avoid the need for costly upgrades and ensure that software solutions continue to meet the needs of the business.
  • Reduced costs: we can help to reduce the overall costs of owning and operating software solutions. This is because we can help to prevent problems before they occur, which can save money on downtime, repairs, and upgrades. In addition, we can help to optimize software performance, which can reduce energy costs.
  • Improved peace of mind: we can provide you with peace of mind by knowing that your software solutions are in good hands. We have the expertise and experience to keep software solutions running smoothly and securely, so you can focus on your core operations.

Performance Optimisation

Here are some benefits of what you will get in collaborating with us:

  • Improved user experience: we can significantly improve the user experience of a software application. This can lead to increased user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. When an application is fast and responsive, users are more likely to use it regularly and enjoy using it. This can have a positive impact on your business’s bottom line, as it can lead to increased sales, improved customer retention, and reduced customer support costs.
  • Reduced development costs: we can also help to reduce development costs. This is because well-optimized code is easier to maintain and update, which can save time and money. Additionally, optimized code is less likely to contain bugs, which can also save money on testing and debugging.
  • Improved scalability: we can also help to improve the scalability of a software application. This means that the application can handle more users and traffic without experiencing slowdowns or outages.
  • Reduced infrastructure costs: we can also help to reduce infrastructure costs. This is because optimized applications can run on less powerful hardware, which can save money on hardware costs and energy bills. Additionally, optimized applications are less likely to require additional hardware or software, which can also save money.
  • Enhanced security: we can also help to enhance the security of a software application. This is because optimized code is less likely to contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. Additionally, optimized applications are less likely to experience performance problems that can be used to mask security attacks.




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