CTO as a Service

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As a Business Founder, you look for possibilities to transform your ideas into elegant and efficient solutions. These solutions inevitably have a sizable technology component, so you are looking to build an exceptional technical team to support your business idea.
As a Chief Executive Officer, you are looking holistically at the operational and strategic development of your business. You need a reliable technology expert to consult with regarding crucial technical decisions.
As a Head of Product,  you aim to empower your product development process, rapidly iterate and deliver exceptional user experiences. You are looking to have a solid technical capability to support the product growth.
As an Investor, you seek to maximise the returns of your business portfolio. You would like to bring the experience of multiple technology projects into the business to strengthen the in-house team and maximise the chances of business success.


Technological transformation can be a complex and time-consuming task. It requires a company to invest significantly in technology, time and resources.

Before starting any technology transformation, you must clearly define the needs of the business. What does the company want to achieve through technology? What challenges do you need to solve?

The main challenge of technological transformation is that it requires the company to have a team or a person who will combine technical expertise, experience and understanding of business processes. This person must be able to see the big picture and understand how technology can help the company achieve its goals.

This person could be the CTO (Chief Technology Officer). The CTO is responsible for all aspects of the company’s technology stack, from software development to infrastructure management. He or she should have deep technical knowledge and experience, as well as an understanding of the company’s business processes. Moreover, they should be a leader who can clearly articulate the risks and benefits of proposed decisions, and propose practical solutions.

Our CTO can help recruit talented developers, assess their skills, and create a development plan to enhance their capabilities. This can involve mentorship programs, training opportunities, and participation in conferences. One can work with your development team to establish efficient workflows, implement development methodologies that align with your project goals (e.g. Agile, Waterfall), and use the right tools to streamline development processes. Through code reviews, performance monitoring, and staying up-to-date on industry best practices, our CTO can pinpoint areas where your development process can be improved. The expert can then develop strategies to address these weaknesses and ensure your development team is producing high-quality work.


We offer the CTO as a Service, providing you with the expertise and guidance of a seasoned Chief Technology Officer on a flexible, on-demand basis. We don't just offer services; we become invested in your project's success, leading it with dedication and experience. We have a proven track record of boosting startups, scaling small and medium-sized companies, and driving digital transformation initiatives. Here's how we can empower your projects:

Selected Cases

Explore and learn more about some of Computools' recently delivered projects


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Computools shapes the future with products, services and solutions that businesses need to Unlock Tomorrow. We are a global company that delivers on the world-changing ideas that we co-create together with our clients.

Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we lead with empathy. Technology is for everyone, not just the geeks. That’s why we focus on using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. By starting with a shared understanding of what makes us all human, we’re able to create the favorable conditions necessary to develop our best-in-class solutions.