A learning management platform (LMS) that helps companies create, administer and share e-learning and classroom courses.

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Our client, an education startup, sought a solution to modernise its consumer services into a cutting-edge learning platform. With Computools’ CTO as a Service, it gained expert guidance and technical support to develop and implement innovative solutions. Our team helped it navigate the complexities of technology integration and streamlined its processes, resulting in a transformed learning experience for its users.


The client is a Swedish start-up that provides employee training services. The company was founded in 2017 by a group of experienced learning and technology professionals.

The company aims to create a next-generation learning platform that will meet the needs of today’s companies. Learnster’s platform should be easy to use, customisable and integrate with existing HR systems.

It offers various courses covering various topics, including business skills, technology and workforce development. Learnster has ambitious plans for growth. The company aims to become the leading provider of employee training in Sweden and other Nordic countries.


A client that provided education services in Sweden approached us with a problem: its existing learning systems were outdated and didn’t meet modern requirements. This led to a decrease in user engagement, which had a negative impact on the company’s business performance. The company needed a CTO with expertise in the field to solve issues throughout the project and implement multiple solutions at the same time.


The CTO suggested developing a new learning platform that would meet all of the client’s needs. The platform had to be easy to use, flexible and scalable. Here are some specific examples of how the new platform helped Learnster solve its business problems:

  • The platform allowed the company to create more personalised training courses.
  • The platform gave the company the ability to collect data on training effectiveness.

Platform users can create and manage training courses, access learning materials from any device, and personalise their learning experience. The platform also integrates with a wide range of HR systems and standards, seamlessly aligning with existing organisational workflows.


The Learnster educational platform provides great consumer opportunities, high satisfaction and a convenient user journey. While working on the project, the CTO applied his experience and skills to reduce time to market and ensure the stable operation of the platform at high loads. Introducing a finished educational platform has allowed the client to increase profits and consumer conversion.

Several key issues the CTO from Computools solved:

  • Implemented options for easy design and customisation of courses
  • Added opportunity to integrate the platform with internal HR systems
  • Built-in system to create and export reports based on individual data on each course or training and each participant


Computools has a successful track record of developing and implementing LMS solutions for a wide range of clients. Our CTO as a Service had the necessary skills and experience to create a platform that met the client’s requirements.



Learnster is a project with high demand for the proposed service, but it needed a high level of customisation. The company searched for a CTO who would provide wide capabilities for the platform.

Approach to solution

The company began its search for a contractor by researching the market. It gathered information about various companies offering CTO as a Service with experience in LMS development. The company also met with potential contractors to learn more about their experience, qualifications, and development approaches.

As a result of its research, Learnster selected several potential contractors that met its requirements. The company then conducted a more thorough analysis of these companies to select the best candidate.

Computools role

Our CTO created a preliminary specification outlining the platform’s core features and functionalities. This specification was continuously refined as the project progressed, incorporating feedback from the development team and potential users. To measure the platform’s effectiveness, detailed reports were generated based on individual user data. These reports provided valuable insights into user engagement, learning outcomes, and areas for improvement.

The team determined the stack of technologies needed to complete the tasks based on the project’s goals and needs. The optimal solutions were identified, providing the necessary functionality and stable operation of the platform.

Key decisions and outcomes

Following the successful development of the Learnster platform, Computools’ CTO and the client established a strong and collaborative relationship. The client was highly satisfied with the platform’s user-friendliness, customisation capabilities and integration with existing HR systems.

To ensure the ongoing success of the platform and maintain a close partnership with the client, the CTO implemented a comprehensive support and maintenance plan. This plan included regular updates, bug fixes and performance enhancements. Additionally, Computools provided ongoing training and support to the client’s team to ensure they could effectively utilise the platform’s full potential.


Design development was carried out in two directions: experience and interface. The basic functionality of the design was determined during prototyping. Subsequent work made the necessary additions and improvements, allowing the team to create an intuitive and ergonomic platform design.

learnster user persona


A detailed profile of a typical user, capturing their demographics, goals, motivations and pain points.

learnster site map


A visual representation of a website's structure and hierarchy, organising pages and their relationships.

learnster wireframes


Low-fidelity sketches or mock-ups of a website or application's layout and functionality, focusing on content placement and user flow.

learnster user interface


The visual elements and interactions that users perceive and interact with when using a website or application.



The team used the Kanban methodology to track the progress of tasks and ensure that the project was delivered on time and within budget. Kanban is a process-oriented methodology focusing on visualising work, limiting work-in-progress and improving continuously. Our team also used a Kanban board to track the progress of tasks. The board was divided into three columns: ‘To Do’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Done’. Tasks were moved from column to column as they progressed.



learnster project timeline


We are very pleased with the results and would recommend Computools to any company looking to improve their system.


Contact our team of experts at info@computools.com today to learn how Computools' CTO AS A SERVICE can help you achieve your goals.

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