Robotic Process Automation



robotic process automation the vision

As a Chief Executive Officer, you want to increase your company’s profitability by optimising processes and reducing costs. At the same time, you want to find a way to free up your time and your employees’ time to focus on strategic objectives and innovation.
As a Chief Technology Officer, you want to reduce IT costs, improve system reliability and minimise downtime. You want to ensure that processes meet all security and privacy requirements.
As a Chief Data Officer, you enable the organisation to make informed decisions based on in-depth data analysis. Your goal is to improve customer interactions through personalisation and omnichannel support. You create new business opportunities by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders that are not currently using robotic processes are planning to increase their level of automation over the next two to three years. By 2025, 70% of organisations will implement structured automation for flexibility and efficiency.


Robotic process automation (RPA), also known as software robotics, uses intelligent automation technologies to perform repetitive office tasks of human workers, such as extracting data, filling in forms, moving files and more. It plays a key role in scaling to meet the growing demands of digital businesses, enabling speed to market, increased business agility, security compliance and optimised maintenance costs. Its practical applications typically fall into the following 4 categories:

1. Business process automation

Automating repetitive, well-documented business tasks using software. Benefits include increased productivity, reduced errors, and saving employee time for more complex tasks.

2. IT Process Automation

Automate IT infrastructure management tasks such as restarting services, running routine database queries, archiving server data, etc. The benefit is increased reliability and availability of IT systems, reduced downtime, and lower staffing costs.

3. Infrastructure Automation

Automate the creation, configuration and management of infrastructure in cloud services (Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) with code. This enables fast and scalable infrastructure deployment, reduced configuration errors, and more efficient resource management.

4. Automate services and workloads in IaaS

Automatically create and manage virtual machines and allocate resources to them. This enables cost-effective resource utilisation, and automatic adaptation to changing workloads.


Robotic process automation promises to reduce costs, improve quality and speed, but to make it work, executives and IT professionals need to avoid common mistakes. This is especially important now that more and more companies are implementing "hyper-automation" and managing multiple automation processes at once. Here are the top mistakes that can put a crimp in automation:
    Obsessing with one technology:
    Don't try to apply the same technology to all tasks. Choose the tool that works best for the specific process.
    Thinking you can automate everything:
    Business users may not know how customer data works and mishandle it. Automation applications also need to be updated.
    Automating any process:
    Automation can be a good solution, but don't use it to plug holes in poorly designed processes. Automation won't fix fundamental procedural errors, it will only prolong or expedite inefficiency if the root cause is elsewhere in the business.
    Testing is not enough:
    Automation only works with the right algorithms and rules. Testing can confirm the technology is working as designed, but you should always question if the process design is appropriate for your business goals.
    Wasting effort on complex processes:
    Don't try to automate something that is poorly documented, unclear, or has too many nuances.
    Using the wrong metrics:
    Don't just monitor whether the technology is working, but evaluate its impact on processes and the entire company.


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