
A digital platform tackling global food waste challenges. Our client, a startup on a mission to reduce food waste across the retail and restaurant supply chain with the help of warehouse sensors, was able to develop a minimum viable product that monitors the flow of goods through checkpoints and advises which components or ingredients should be used first. The startup was able to raise further funding based on the MVP.


Specialty Retail



Business size:


Problem and Solution Summary

E-feller’s vision was to create an innovative solution that could effectively track and manage expiring products, tailored to the specific needs of food manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

Computools provided a comprehensive solution by developing a digital platform and a working prototype utilising technologies such as React.js, Redux.js, Recharts.js, and Moment.js. The team successfully implemented a minimum viable product (MVP) concept, incorporating features to track and manage expiring products throughout the supply chain. The solution resulted in significant improvements, including a substantial increase in throughput and average order values, enhanced productivity, revenue growth, cost reduction and successful business process automation.

About the Client

E-feller is a Finnish start-up dedicated to combatting global food waste issues. In collaboration with Computools, they have developed a digital platform and a working prototype to address challenges in managing expiring products throughout the supply chain. The innovative solutions provided by E-feller aim to enhance efficiency in the food industry and contribute to reducing waste at various stages, from production to consumption.


Computools specialists applied innovative solutions to implement a project of global importance. The developed software is the first working prototype necessary for the further implementation and development of the whole system.

Several key issues we solved:
  • Tracking and managing the expiring products at each stage of the supply chain.
  • Additional features according to the specific needs of food manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.

Business challenge


  • E-feller operates with a small team, limiting development speed
  • As a start-up, navigating the complexities of tech development was challenging
  • Limited resources, both personnel and financial, constrained project scope


  • E-feller aimed to revolutionise the food supply chain to combat global food waste
  • The client collaborated with external partners to leverage expertise
  • E-feller adopted an innovative approach through a digital platform and prototype

Business challenge

Project Completion Details and Current Arrangements

Initially, the collaboration involved extensive consultation to clearly understand the client's goals, analyse industry challenges, and identify the specific needs of the digital platform. The arrangement included meticulous planning stages, such as defining the user flow, developing a prioritised feature list and outlining the minimum viable product (MVP) scope.

Business challenge

Why Computools?

Computools demonstrated expertise in the technology stack required for the project, including React.js, Redux.js, Recharts.js, and Moment.js. This proficiency reassured E-feller that Computools could effectively implement the envisioned digital solution.

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With a visionary goal of transforming the food supply chain, the client recognised the need for a partner with technical prowess and a deep understanding of the industry's intricacies.

The selection process involved a comprehensive evaluation of potential contractors, focusing on their expertise, track record and ability to deliver innovative solutions. E-feller considered several options, weighing each contractor's proficiency in the required technology stack and past experiences in similar projects.

What set Computools apart in this competitive selection process was their expertise in the industry. E-feller recognised Computools as a partner capable of translating their visionary idea into a tangible, working prototype. Computools demonstrated a successful track record in implementing solutions that addressed challenges specific to the food supply chain, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved.

Project Description

For E-feller, developing anMVP became the first step on the long way to solving the global food waste problem. The Finnish start-up partnered with Computools to transform the visionary idea into a working prototype.

Computools experts took the client through the vital steps of building an MVP.
  • According to the client, the global food waste problem is exacerbated at every level of the supply chain, from the manufacturer through suppliers and retailers to end customers.
  • Through careful analysis and strategising, E-feller and Computools devised ways to solve the food waste problem for producers, processors, retailers and consumers.
  • Computools’ experts analysed emerging RFID solutions for managing food waste and helped the client identify their advantages and shortcomings to be considered when implementing the E-feller MVP.
  • Extensive experience with IoT solutions enabled the Computools team to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Opportunities and threats analysis laid the foundation of the client's risk management framework.
  • Computools experts helped the client establish use cases and develop user flow according to the specific needs of food manufacturers, retailers and consumers.
  • The Computools team assisted the client in selecting critical features vital at the MVP stage and advised on secondary features better suited for the finished product launch.
  • The Computools project manager recommended a Kanban-based Agile approach to ensure a brisk development pace and quick launch.
  • Upon devising the development plan and selecting the best-suited technology stack, the distributed team set to implement the MVP. The project was completed in 25 months.
  • The Computools team continued assisting the client with feedback analysis and implementing new features following the Elisa IoT Challenge award and the successful E-feller MVP presentation and launch.

Digital Platform & Technology

Communication Framework

Open and efficient two-way communication is crucial to the success of a digital transformation project. Following consultation with the client, we agreed upon a clear and unambiguous communication framework with scheduled, regular face-to-face and online meetings and regular reports by email. Our communication ecosystem also incorporated a structured documents environment and client access to Computools' internal task-managing platform. This made both the general project roadmap and specific processes transparent and clear for all parties.


To meet the tight MVP development deadline and fulfil the client’s requirements, we screened the Computools talent pool and assembled a team of experienced software engineers.


Oleg Svet

Oleg Svet
Oleg began to code in middle school, obtained an MBA degree in Computer Science, worked on commercial IT projects in 2011 and worked as mobile developer, start-up, enterprise and full-stack developer. He joined Computools in 2013 as a Co-Founder and, firstly, CTO, then CDO. He’s interested in airsoft, cybernetics, fantasy and MMO computer games.
Oleg Svet

Team Lead

Vitaliy Kononenko

Vitaliy Kononenko
Vitaliy, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Computools, is a dedicated and enthusiastic professional in the technology industry. With over six years of experience, he has held key roles such as Full-stack Developer and Head of Technology. Vitaliy's passion for learning and staying up to date with cutting-edge technologies defines his approach to life. He always strives to become a better developer, sharing knowledge and offering support to his peers.
Vitaliy Kononenko

Business Analyst

Kate Vodolazkina

Kate is a business analyst at Computools with many years of experience in the field. She is passionate about working with clients to understand their needs and develop solutions that meet them. Kate has a strong understanding of business processes and is skilled at identifying and analysing requirements. She is also an effective communicator and can bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Outside work, Kate enjoys reading, spending time with her family and travelling.

Project Manager

Oleksandr Novikov

Oleksandr Novikov
Oleksandr is an accomplished Project Manager with dedicated experience. Outside the professional realm, Oleksandr's insatiable appetite for knowledge drives him to continuously explore development, management, and psychology, making him a well-rounded and goal-oriented individual.
Oleksandr Novikov

Software Engineer

Yurii Fedorov

Yurii is driven by a deep passion for his work. He believes that loving what you do and constantly improving your skills are the keys to success. With over seven years of experience, Yurii has played a pivotal role in designing and implementing various web-based projects, with notable success in fields such as medicine and real estate. His commitment to excellence and competitive spirit make him a valuable asset to any project.

Quality Assurance Engineer

Mariia Boborova

Mariia Boborova
Mariia Boborova is a dedicated Quality Assurance Engineer with a keen eye for detail and a passion for ensuring software excellence. Beyond her rigorous testing and quality assurance expertise, Mariia finds solace in art and spends her free time painting captivating landscapes.
Mariia Boborova

Story of a Team Decision

Assembling a team with relevant experience and expertise was critical to the success of E-feller's mission.


To keep the Computools engineers in sync and establish a brisk MVP development pace, the team upheld the routine of regular meetings. Brainstorming sessions laid the foundation of the project, while whiteboard and dev meetings ensured seamless creative cooperation and outstanding results.

Sprint Retrospective

During this retrospective, the team, including both Computools and E-feller members, engaged in an open and constructive discussion to assess what went well, what could be improved, and how to enhance overall efficiency.

Planning Session

In the planning session, the team, consisting of members from Computools and E-feller, gathered to set the stage for the upcoming sprint. This collaborative meeting thoroughly discussed the project goals, scope and priorities. The client, E-feller, shared their vision and specific requirements, while Computools brought technical insights and feasibility assessments to the table.

Sprint Demo

The sprint demo marked the culmination of the sprint, where the team showcased the accomplished work to stakeholders, including the client, E-feller. This interactive session provided an opportunity to evaluate the progress made, gather feedback, and make any necessary adjustments.

Communication Flow

Traditional to Kanban, the Trello board was the primary task-tracking platform that enabled all members of the team and the client to monitor the project’s progress. Jira lent an extra layer to task decomposition and assignment, while email was the primary tool for exchanging reports and adding features to the SRS. Skype audio and video conferences established an understanding between the client-side project coordinator and the Computools team.

Project Management Methodology

The Kanban framework was adopted for its simplicity and flexibility. It enabled the team to visualise the workflow, optimise processes and maintain a continuous and steady pace of delivery.

Project timeline

5 months
11 months
5 months
Consulting & design phase
Engineering phase


  • Conducting an in-depth analysis of industry challenges and client needs
  • Defining and narrowing down the target audience for the solution
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system or industry practices
  • Engaging in consultative discussions with key stakeholders to align project goals

Product DESIGN

  • Developing a strategic plan for the project, outlining goals and defining the user flow
  • Identifying and prioritising features based on client requirements and project scope
  • Choosing the appropriate technology stack for the development
  • Defining detailed specifications, tasks and deadlines for the project

Product Engineering

  • Executing the development of the minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Configuring the development environment for seamless execution
  • Writing and optimising code to ensure efficiency and maintainability
  • Conducting rigorous testing phases and addressing identified issues
  • Delivering the MVP to the client for evaluation and feedback


  • Planning and organising the project timeline from consulting to launch
  • Incorporating feedback received during the consulting phase into the final product
  • Providing continuous support post-launch for updates, improvements and issue resolution
  • Executing the official launch of the product to the target audience
  • Monitoring the product's performance and iterating based on user feedback and evolving requirements


Together with the client's designers, our in-house designers developed the prototype.

e-feller user persona


Creating Artem, a tech-savvy retail manager focused on efficient inventory

e-feller site map


Visualising the website's structure for a seamless user journey

e-feller wireframes


Sketching the blueprint: simplified visual guides for user interface elements

e-feller user interface


Crafting an intuitive interface for a seamless and engaging user experience


The production release of the product marked the strategic culmination of the collaborative efforts between E-feller and Computools. The launch process involved rigorous testing, ensuring the product met high quality and functionality standards.


The ongoing support framework ensures that E-feller's digital solution remains robust, up to date and aligned with evolving industry standards.

Contact Us

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