Cloud Development Services



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As a Chief Technology Officer, you want to leverage application development and cutting-edge technologies available to deliver innovative products and services, staying ahead of market demands and competition.
As a Chief Operating Officer, you aim to use cost-effective solutions and build infrastructure without managing your own hardware and software. You prefer to utilise pay-as-you-go pricing models to avoid large upfront costs.
As a Chief Informational Officer, you are looking for ways to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies that will increase the data security, agility and adaptability of your organisation.
As a Product Owner, your objective is to create data-driven, customer-centric products that meet user needs and drive user satisfaction and loyalty.
A cloud strategy allows you to scale IT resources quickly and recover data and applications from the cloud, minimising downtime and preserving productivity. The use of cloud-based collaboration tools, analytics solutions and IT management outsourcing is becoming integral to achieving optimised and agile business operations. Such a strategy should be business-driven, focusing on the ‘what’ and ‘why’, and should align with your business goals.


Сloud computing will be crucial for business competitiveness, not just an innovative option. Emerging technologies such as generative AI, Web3 and metaverse are fuelling this growth by requiring the powerful computing capabilities offered by cloud services. 75% of our clients have either adopted or are planning to embark on a cloud-focused business transformation journey.

But what exactly makes the cloud so transformative for businesses? Here are just a few key benefits:


We are noticing that our clients are moving their workloads to the cloud. This is sensible, given the increasing affordability of cloud infrastructure. However, this comes with the risks that we thought are worth highlighting:
    Potential Contamination Risk from Other Users on the Same Resource:
    • An attacker may purchase the same resource and then compromise it to gain access to other users. Solution: Isolation technologies employed by cloud providers significantly mitigate this risk. The scale and security investments of Tier 1 providers further minimize this risk.
    Risks Associated with Third Parties:
    • System administrators are often granted wider permissions than necessary. Solution: Having an infrastructure management policy in place that provides the permissions on an as-needed basis.
    • Over-reliance on the specific cloud platform could result in the loss of operational flexibility or even total operational dependency on the cloud provider. Solution: Make sure that your technology solutions are developed with the portability infrastructure, so that you have a degree of autonomy when it comes to reviewing the relationships with cloud vendors.
    Vulnerabilities in Remote Access:
    • Vulnerabilities in the management channel and/or data transmission by the cloud service. Solution: Ensuring the security policy is configured and enforced when working with the cloud vendor. For example, set strong passwords and multi-factor authentications for all accounts, change keys regularly, control privileged access, encrypt data at rest and in motion, and segment the cloud network.


Despite the increasing adoption of cloud computing, three out of four organizations do not have a cloud strategy that is properly tailored to their needs. Ideally, a cloud strategy should be developed before adopting cloud computing. However, most companies tend to develop their cloud strategy based on their initial experiences with cloud technology. We recommend the following aspects to strengthen your cloud strategy:

1. Team Collaboration:

Form a group of specialists from different departments who will play a key role in implementing the strategy. Define tasks and responsibilities for each team member to ensure effective collaboration. Encourage the exchange of ideas, opinions, and suggestions among team members to achieve common goals.

2. Clear Metrics:

Select indicators to assess the current state and progress in strategy implementation. Develop a data collection plan for the chosen metrics using reliable and credible sources. Regularly analyze the data like response time, uptime, and throughput to assess application performance in the cloud and to track changes, identify issues, and adjust the course.

3. Cloud Selection:

Clearly articulate your business goals and objectives. Ensure the adaptability of principles to changing market conditions and technological advancements. Prioritize data security and information confidentiality when working with cloud services.

4. Position Analysis:

Conduct a detailed analysis of your IT infrastructure, including applications, data, and resources in use. Explore available cloud solutions and their alignment with your current and future needs. Identify potential risks and opportunities associated with transitioning to the cloud.

5. Avoiding Mistakes:

Do not underestimate the complexity of cloud migration; carefully plan each stage. Ensure the necessary level of data and application security to prevent unauthorised access, leaks or accidental data loss. Define clear goals and objectives for cloud migration before starting the process.

6. Delegation:

If you feel that you or your team lacks expertise for cloud transition or scaling the services, seek assistance from specialist.


With Computools you gain a wealth of technical expertise and a strategic partner dedicated to understanding your unique strategy, challenges and goals. We offer business leaders practical insights, provide tangible solutions that directly address your needs, empowering you to harness the full potential of data and Cloud technologies for sustainable growth and innovation:

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13 reasons why

Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we lead with empathy. Technology is for everyone, not just the geeks. That’s why we focus on using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. By starting with a shared understanding of what makes us all human, we’re able to create the favorable conditions necessary to develop our best-in-class solutions.