Medicare Assistance

The client is a healthcare business that assists beneficiaries with enrolment, coverage options and claims processing. Our client, a Norwegian provider of healthcare services, required a solution that would help manage the workload of the clinical staff, trainees and support personnel. Often, operational planning required input from the busy professionals, who were not able to enter full information into the system due to work commitments. Our team created a solution that uses natural language processing algorithms to capture the updates quickly and propose schedule alteration for affected procedures and professionals involved. The solution helped massively decrease the amount of time spent on administrative planning.


Health Care Providers and Services



Business size:

Small Businesses

Problem and Solution Summary

Streamlining hospital operations and digitalising internal processes empowers healthcare professionals to prioritise critical and ongoing tasks. Recognising this need, the client approached Computools with a vision for a staff-focused application to manage appointments and patient data. To realise this concept, skilled healthcare website design expertise was crucial.

Through collaborative discussions, Computools identified core functionalities for the future application. The resulting website, designed for internal hospital use by secretaries, medical students and therapists, facilitates efficient patient data management and appointment scheduling. Features include comprehensive calendars for individual doctors, broader time frames and organised lists for patients, appointments, attachments and insurance information.

About the Client

This small but rapidly growing company helps people in Norway receive medical care. The company provides a wide range of services, including assistance with filling out paperwork, finding doctors and clinics and resolving other Medicare-related issues.


With extensive experience in healthcare website development, Computools successfully accomplished the tasks and contributed to implementing the client's business goals. The finished product allowed the client to increase profits, expand the customer base and increase the loyalty of existing customers. Thanks to the successful collaboration, a modern healthcare solution was developed.

Several key issues we solved:
  • The ability to enter patient data and make an appointment in a few clicks.
  • Implemented a structured listing system for optimised data visualisation.
  • Implemented a calendar for the day, week, month for all doctors.

Business challenge


  • Lack of in-house technical expertise
  • Transitioning from manual processes to a digital platform


  • Nationally scalable solution
  • Opportunity in a growing market

Business challenge

Project Completion Details and Current Arrangements

The initial engagement between Computools and the client followed a traditional approach, with tasks assigned through Azure. Team Leads held regular discussions in Teams, providing estimates and daily text reports to maintain client communication. However, this method proved inefficient due to limited initial documentation and the client's desire for more autonomy.

Recognising the need for adaptation, Computools proposed a collaborative work arrangement. The team transitioned to self-driven task creation based on existing design and documentation. Prototypes were deployed on a development server for the client to review and provide feedback before integration into the main application. This iterative approach fostered open communication and allowed for rapid course correction, addressing potential misinterpretations and ensuring final deliverables aligned with the client's vision.

Business challenge

Why Computools?

Several factors made Computools the ideal partner for this project:

Relevant expertise: Computools' skilled team had extensive experience developing web applications for the healthcare industry, ensuring familiarity with regulatory requirements and user needs.

Agile methodology: Computools' proven commitment to agile development methodologies offered a flexible and iterative approach, accommodating the client's desire for active involvement and rapid decision-making.

Open communication: Computools emphasised transparency and proactive communication throughout the project, building trust and ensuring the client felt well informed and empowered.

Value proposition: Computools offered a competitive price point and a commitment to delivering a cost-effective solution that met the client's specific needs and budget.

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The client began searching for a contractor to develop an internal HMS in early 2019. The company considered several options, including both local and international companies.

When selecting a contractor, they considered the following factors.
  • Relevant experience: The client wanted to find a company with experience in developing web applications for healthcare.
  • Development methodology: The client wanted to work with a company that followed agile development methodologies, such as Agile.
  • Communication: The client wanted to work with a company that provided open and transparent communication throughout the project.
  • Price: The client wanted to find a company that offered a competitive price.

Computools met all of the criteria that were important to the client. Our company has many years of experience developing web applications for healthcare and we follow agile development methodologies. Computools also places a great emphasis on communication and customer interaction. In addition, Computools offered a competitive price.

As a result, the client selected Computools as the contractor to develop the internal HMS.

Project Description

Medicare Assistance is an innovative in-house website designed for healthcare professionals in Norwegian hospitals, targeting secretaries, medical students and therapists. This innovative platform seamlessly manages patient information and appointments and improves overall healthcare management. The website has a wide range of features, including a dynamic calendar with daily, weekly and monthly views for all physicians and categorised lists of patients, appointments, attachments and insurance data.

The project's solid technical foundation is a web architecture based on PHP, Yii2, Angular, jQuery, and MySQL. Bootstrap CSS ensures a responsive and visually appealing user interface. The combination of advanced technologies emphasises the project's commitment to creating a user-friendly, efficient, scalable solution.

Digital Platform & Technology

The technical features of the project conditioned the stack of necessary technologies. Since we worked on a multitasking platform, it took deep knowledge and experience of working with several programming languages ​​simultaneously.

Communication Framework

To communicate with the client, we always build a convenient communication system that considers cooperation features and is suitable for all participants. Microsoft Teams was chosen as a means of communication for conferences, discussions and quick decision-making to make the work of providing website development services productive. Email was used to exchange information. The teams also used Skype and Azure.
microsoft teams


To perform this project's tasks, we conducted a rigorous selection among our employees. We try to provide our customers with high-quality service, so a talented and experienced Project Manager accompanies the development team.

Business Analyst

Nikita Abelmasov

Nikita Abelmasov
Nikita started working on commercial IT projects in 2009, focusing on web development, then switched to management and BA in 2015. He has extensive experience in requirements gathering, start-up and ongoing business solutions consulting, development preparation and organising business processes for a wide range of mixed teams. He is passionate about urban exploration, new technologies, photography and sci-fi universes.
Nikita Abelmasov

Project Manager

Viktoria Ruban

Viktoria Ruban
Viktoria is a Business Analyst at Computools. She's known for her attention to detail, effective research approach and strong collaboration skills. She's skilled in technical specification development and modelling techniques.
Viktoria Ruban

Team Lead

Evgeniy Martynov

As a Technical Lead, Evgeniy excels in creative problem-solving and possesses a strong passion for technology. Leading the team with expertise in architecting robust systems, he also enjoys exploring new hiking trails.


Quality Assurance Engineer

Glib Kovalenko

Glib has over three years of experience as a manual QA. He has demonstrated proficiency in testing websites and mobile and desktop applications. He deeply understands client-server applications and excels at writing and maintaining relevant documentation. His dedication to ensuring product quality and standards sets him apart.

Story of a Team Decision

The team comprised professionals and engineers with skills best suited to all tasks.


The team ensured that the product was developed promptly and efficiently.

Sprint Retrospective

Our team reflected on completed tasks, discussed challenges and strategised continuous improvements, ensuring an agile and adaptive approach to project dynamics.

Planning Session

We engaged with the client to define task priorities, leveraging Azure for task allocation and estimation, fostering a proactive and client-centric development approach.

Sprint Demo

Our team showcased implemented features on the dev server, allowing the client to review and provide valuable feedback, ensuring alignment with their evolving expectations.

Communication Flow

Our team maintained a robust communication flow, utilising Teams for task discussions, daily text reports and client interaction, fostering transparency and ensuring a collaborative and responsive working relationship.

Project Management Methodology

Since the work on the project was carried out in a short time, the Kanban methodology was chosen. This saved time for developing the hospital management system and improved the team's efficiency.

The most obvious benefit of using Kanban is improved flow efficiency, which happens shortly after the method is implemented into the project. Visualising processes highlights areas of inefficiency very quickly. Kanban benefits team productivity by shifting the focus from starting work to finishing work.

Project timeline

4 months
9 months
1 month
Consulting & design phase
Engineering phase


  • Researching market trends, user behaviour and competitor landscape
  • Analysing feasibility, outlining functionalities and prioritising features
  • Creating a phased plan for project execution with clear milestones and deliverables
  • Recommending technology solutions, best practices and risk mitigation strategies
  • Engaging stakeholders to align vision, gather feedback and build consensus

Product DESIGN

  • Structuring content and functionalities to ensure intuitive navigation and user flow
  • Creating low-fidelity and high-fidelity mock-ups to test and iterate on design concepts
  • Developing a consistent and aesthetically pleasing visual language for the product
  • Ensuring the product is easy to use, understand and navigate through iterative testing cycles

Product Engineering

  • Choosing the appropriate tech stack, frameworks and tools for development
  • Building and rigorously testing functionalities, ensuring quality and performance
  • Setting up automated workflows for code deployment and updates
  • Implementing security measures and adhering to relevant regulations and data privacy standards
  • Providing clear documentation for internal use and user support resources


  • Launching the product on different platforms and channels, ensuring smooth rollout
  • Tracking key metrics, analysing user behaviour and optimising features based on data
  • Providing ongoing bug fixes, updates and improvements for a sustainable product lifecycle
  • Building and nurturing relationships with users to ensure satisfaction and loyalty


The design of Medicare was created according to a detailed study of the user and their needs, taking into account easy navigation, pleasing visuals and trends.

medicare assistance user persona


Craft detailed profiles of hospital staff, ensuring user-centric design aligned with their roles

medicare assistance wireframes


Create low-fidelity sketches illustrating layout and functionality, refining the user experience

medicare assistance user interface


Design visually cohesive and intuitive interfaces, prioritising accessibility for efficient healthcare management


After completing development and testing, the product was released to market. The product was available for download and installation on internal hospital servers, where staff used it to manage patient information, scheduling and other data.


  • The system allowed hospital staff to manage tasks more efficiently, reducing the time spent on repetitive operations.
  • The system helped staff improve the quality of care for patients by providing them with more up-to-date and comprehensive information.
  • Patients noted that the system made receiving healthcare more convenient and efficient.


After completing work on the product, Computools continues to support the client.

  • The team promptly responds to questions and problems that arise for customers when using the product.
  • Computools regularly releases updates and improvements to the product that add new features and improve existing ones.

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