Computools’ Takeaways from IRX 2023

Computools tells about its participation at IRX 2023, where industry leaders converged to explore the digital transformation of modern commerce.

October 4, 2023
UK, London

Computools recently attended IRX @ DTX + UCX 2023, a key event exploring modern commerce’s digital transformation. This influential event took place on 4–5  October in London, attracting decision-makers from diverse industries, including retail, travel, insurance, hospitality, and gaming.

At IRX 2023, Computools was immersed in a rich conference programme featuring AI, CX, customer messaging and supply-chain digitisation discussions. The event brought together thought leaders and emerging stars in the digital commerce realm, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Workshops at IRX 2023 provided practical advice and success stories for implementing strategies into day-to-day operations. Exclusive roundtables facilitated discussions on key industry challenges among like-minded peers. The exhibition hall featured technology experts specialising in platforms, payments, CX/UX, marketing, data and more.

The key themes of IRX 2023 centred around modern commerce architectures, customer contact and messaging, enhancing the customer experience, digitising the supply chain and the future of payments.

As a company committed to innovation, Computools found IRX @ DTX + UCX 2023 to be a valuable platform for gaining insights into the industry’s future. We are excited to implement these insights into our solutions and continue driving the digital commerce evolution.

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