Delivering a comprehensive stock and cryptocurrency exchange system for CrypDrift .

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Our client needed a sophisticated system for exchanging cryptocurrencies with various financial instruments. With our help, CrypDrift successfully exchanged stocks, instruments, and cryptocurrencies by implementing automated trading bots and expanding its customer base from B2B to B2C. Our company provided CTO as a service to ensure the successful integration of this system.


CrypDrift is a fintech company that needed capital markets software development. The client wanted a user-friendly interface allowing users to perform basic trading operations, including setting up trading bots.


Before starting cooperation with us, one of the main problems was the difficulty of using the accumulated experience and functionality in B2B and B2C trading. In addition, it was important to ensure the exchange between fiat shares and cryptocurrencies. The technical challenges in implementing the main idea were also serious. In these circumstances, there was a need for a comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of a cryptocurrency exchange system. Despite these difficulties, our client had extensive experience in trading and a strong position in the B2B segment, and his idea attracted considerable interest in the market.


The team with Computools’ CTOaaS successfully implemented a system for stocks and cryptocurrency exchange. They also developed a system that enables automated trading through trade bots, considering network latency in trading servers. Additionally, they expanded the client’s offering from B2B to B2C by enhancing functionality and improving the user experience.

The process involved:

  • An analysis phase
  • Implementation of the core system
  • Enhancement of functionality
  • Project launch with ongoing support


Computools successfully implemented the system with key functionality for crypto price monitoring, exchanging stocks and other financial instruments. Our team built an interface that allows users to perform necessary trading operations, including setting up trading bots. Overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community. 70% of users are “Satisfied” or “Highly satisfied” with the changes. The new individual consumer segment reached 50,000 users in the first year.


Computools has a team of experienced professionals skilled in a wide range of technologies and industries. Our expertise is valuable in developing high-quality software solutions. We provide CTO as a Service with an experienced professional, allowing us to understand the specific challenges and opportunities the client faces and create solutions that address them.



The client had a rich experience and a strong market position. However, they were facing an issue in leveraging this success to enter the B2C market.

Approach to solution

Communication channels were established to ensure effective collaboration and coordination between the development team and the client. Regular meetings, updates, and feedback sessions were conducted to facilitate financial software development and address any concerns that arose during the process.

Computools role

During the project, an analysis phase was conducted to create the system architecture and design, which involved developing trading and financial operation algorithms on paper. Subsequently, the core system was implemented, integrating crypto price market data sources and interactive brokers. The team also focused on enhancing functionality, specifically targeting user experience improvements for B2C users.

Key decisions and outcomes

During the development process, we identified inefficiencies in exchanging cryptocurrencies and fiat shares and proposed changes that led to improvements. We also customised trading algorithms to optimise client results. The user analysis helped us develop functionality aimed at their needs, which contributed to increased satisfaction from using the product.



The need for a flexible and iterative approach to project development drives the choice of Agile methodology. It enables quick adaptation to changes in client requirements, evolving solutions, and a constantly changing environment. Agile methodology promotes continuous learning and process improvement throughout the development process.

Furthermore, Agile methodology actively involves the client in the development process. Regular demonstrations, feedback and active client participation allow for refining of requirements and ensuring the development outcomes align with their expectations.



crypdrift project timeline


Computools' expertise in developing user-friendly trading platforms was instrumental in our successful expansion into the B2C market. Their CTO as a Service model gave us the strategic guidance and technical skills to achieve our goals. We are thrilled with the results and the positive feedback we've received from our new clients.


Contact us today at to discuss your project and see how we can help your business thrive!

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Finmap Online

Our client, an Eastern European fintech startup, extended their offering of cash flow management for international businesses. We implemented secure APIs that connect with major financial service providers, including Revolut, Payoneer, and BNP Paribas. This led to significant expansion of the international client base. The customer segmentation approach proposed by our team allowed us to identify the needs of each business type, which led to an increase in customer satisfaction scores from 6 to 8. The changes due to platform engineering and data analysis put the client on the right track to attract additional funding for international expansion.

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Our client needed to enhance its online service for managing company finances to attract more users and improve user satisfaction. As a result, Finmap Online received positive feedback from users and experienced improved conversion rates. Our team helped develop the platform’s engineering and data analytics components, ensuring its effectiveness and relevance.


The client, Finmap Online, is a forward-thinking online service provider in the specialised finance industry. It primarily focuses on serving the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and start-ups. The company aims to empower these businesses by offering innovative financial management solutions that streamline processes, improve financial planning, and enhance overall efficiency.


The platform lacked support for the English language and dedicated iOS or Android applications, restricting its accessibility to a broader user base. The existing one had vulnerabilities in data security, posing risks to users’ financial data. Its design and features needed improvement to enhance user satisfaction and attract more users.


The Computools team recognised the significance of addressing these weaknesses to enhance the platform’s usability, security and appeal. Key solutions included:

  • A complete overhaul of the platform’s design.
  • Implementing robust 256-bit SSL encryption, an industry standard for security.
  • Enhancing accessibility by adding support for the English language.
  • Developing dedicated iOS and Android applications.


This service encompasses features like automated financial reporting, seamless synchronisation across diverse devices, debt management, an intuitive calendar for precise financial planning, facilitated scheduled transactions, robust API integration, proprietary algorithmic tools, multi-currency support and personalised analytics. Notably, the service allows the critical capability to efficiently oversee both individual and corporate financial portfolios through a web-based application. Moreover, it provides a mechanism for granting selective access to designated components, thus enabling the generation of in-depth financial reports and identifying potential fiscal vulnerabilities.


Computools was the ideal choice for the Finmap Online project due to its deep expertise in specialised finance and comprehensive project approach. The collaborative and client-centric approach fostered open communication and ensured that the project’s objectives were understood well and executed in alignment with the client’s vision. Computools employed cutting-edge technologies, established a robust communication framework and had a proven track record of successful project deliveries, instilling confidence in their capabilities.



The primary challenges included limited accessibility, data security vulnerabilities, and the need for improvements in user experience and features. These challenges hindered the platform’s ability to attract more users and enhance user satisfaction.

Approach to solution

The client initiated the selection process by conducting a thorough evaluation of potential contractors, as this project was important to them. Several technology firms were in contention, each with its own set of credentials and strengths. Finmap Online recognised the necessity of aligning with a partner who not only possessed the technical prowess to execute the project but also had a deep understanding of the specialised finance industry.

Computools role

Our team participated in various aspects of the project, focusing on both generalist and specialist roles to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to the client’s needs.

Key decisions and outcomes

The result of cooperation was an updated page of financial services, which quickly received many positive reviews from customers. Also, user-to-customer turnover has increased several times over. Our engineers developed and applied necessary updates for existing services, made a complete page redesign, and provided extra protection and safety of the customer’s financial data.


The design tasks collectively contribute to the successful transformation of Finmap Online, making it a visually appealing, user-friendly and highly functional platform for managing company finances, catering to the needs of start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses.

finmap user persona


Creating a fictional profile representing a typical platform user.

finmap site map


Visual representation of platform structure and content hierarchy.

finmap wireframes


Basic layouts outlining page elements and their placement.

finmap user interface


Final design with graphics, colours and interactive elements.



The methodology is selected individually for each project. A waterfall was selected for this project. Waterfall methodology is a linear project management approach where stakeholder and customer requirements are gathered at the beginning of the project. Then, a sequential project plan is created to accommodate those requirements. This management methodology has at least five phases that follow in strict linear order, where a phase can’t begin until the previous phase has been completed. It has some important benefits. Because project requirements are agreed upon in the first phase, planning and scheduling are simple and clear. With a fully laid-out project schedule, we can give an accurate estimate of your project cost, resources and deadlines. It’s easy to measure progress as we move through the phases and hit milestones. Customers aren’t perpetually adding new requirements to the project, delaying production.



finmap project timeline


The Computools team mapped a workflow according to our preferences. After that, they determined the project’s strengths and weaknesses and advised on the features better suited for the finished product. Upon devising the development plan and selecting the best-suited technology stack, the distributed team set to the project realisation.

They provided very reasonable services. Also, I like their attitude, they are always ready to accept any technical challenge and, most importantly, things. They dealt with all the challenges very sharply.


Let's collaborate to enhance usability, security, and user satisfaction. Reach out to us at to start the conversation today!

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Helps businesses control finances via mathematical calculations and banking transactions

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Our client needed a robust financial management solution to streamline their operations. Our team developed a mobile app with mathematical calculations, secure banking transactions, and frictionless user experiences. Computools assisted in reengineering the software to meet the client’s specific needs, enhancing their financial management capabilities.


Our client, Moblet, is an Eastern European challenger bank with an ambitious goal of entering the retail banking segment. The company is owned by one of the top insurers in the market, which provides solid financial backing and a strategic advantage.
The founders of Moblet met at university, where they studied finance and information technology. Their shared vision of improving financial management for individuals and businesses led them to create Moblet. This financial management platform offers a range of features, including:

  • Account management
  • Expense tracking
  • Investments
  • Budget planning


Despite their strong financial expertise, the Moblet team lacked the technical skills and experience to develop a mobile app. This gap in their capabilities posed a major obstacle to achieving their goal. The financial management app market is highly competitive. Moblet needed a solution that would meet the market standards and stand out among numerous competitors. The board’s decision to rapidly enter the retail segment created a strict timeline for the project’s completion. The team needed a reliable partner to deliver a high-quality solution within a limited timeframe.

By developing a robust and user-friendly app, Moblet could attract a large user base and establish a strong market presence.


Computools offered a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. We proposed to develop an app that utilised advanced calculation algorithms and was intuitive and universally accessible. This included close cooperation with the client’s team on concept, design, high-level architecture, core functionality, and integration with SWIFT, VISA, and MasterCard. We ensured comprehensive KYC and onboarding via mobile and web platforms, delivering a solution that balanced robust security with an exceptional user experience.


The app has been fully developed, considering the latest trends in mobile app design. The new interface is more intuitive and user-friendly. Security features, such as fingerprint and two-factor authentication, have been added to the app. These features help protect user data from unauthorised access. We have added features for account management, including the ability to track transactions in real-time and receive account balance notifications. An expense tracking feature was added to the app, allowing users to see where their money goes.


Several key factors influenced Moblet’s decision to partner with Computools:

  • Demonstrated expertise
  • Agile and innovative approach
  • Robust security infrastructure
  • Collaborative and client-centric



Moblet conducted a thorough selection process to find a partner who met all its requirements. It approached several potential partners, reviewed their portfolios, and evaluated their capabilities.

Approach to solution

Moblet chose Computools for our demonstrated expertise in software reengineering and mobile app development. Our agile and innovative methodology ensured we could meet the tight timeline and adapt to changes quickly, while our focus on security was critical for handling sensitive financial data.

Computools role

We collaborated closely with Moblet’s team to develop the concept and design of the app, focusing on high-level architecture and core functionality. Our team ensured seamless integration with SWIFT, VISA, and MasterCard, and implemented comprehensive KYC and onboarding processes via mobile and web platforms. Additionally, we balanced security considerations with an intuitive user experience, incorporating features like fingerprint authentication and two-factor authentication.

Key decisions and outcomes

Throughout the project, Computools made several key decisions that significantly impacted the app’s success. We analysed the existing processes and identified inefficiencies, proposing changes that improved functionality.


Developers were tasked with creating a minimalistic, modern interface design allowing users to solve most of their financial issues.

moblet user persona


Understanding your audience deeply with a detailed fictional character profile

moblet site map


Visualising your website's structure for intuitive navigation and user experience

moblet wireframes


Sketching out designs to outline key elements and functionality

moblet user interface


Transforming wireframes into visually appealing and interactive digital interfaces



We chose Scrum to develop the Moblet mobile application because it is a flexible methodology that allows us to adapt to changes and customer requirements quickly. Scrum also facilitates effective communication and collaboration between all project participants. As a result of applying Scrum, the Moblet project was successfully delivered on time and budget.



moblet projet timeline


Our collaboration with Computools has been a game-changer for Moblet. Their expertise in mobile app development and their ability to understand our unique needs allowed us to create a platform. The team's dedication to balancing security with user experience has resulted in an app our users love and trust. We couldn't have asked for a better partner in this journey.


Get in touch with us to discuss price for your future project. Use the form below or send us an e-mail to

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Financial exchanges and data startup

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Our client, a finance and data startup, needed to extend their mobile stock price monitoring application to the Android platform. Our Computools team provided CTO as a Service by developing an Android application version using React Native and MPAndroidChart. As a result, the application became available to Android users. We added registration/login functions, real-time stock price display, charts, price indicators, detailed stock information, filters, and tracked stock lists.


The client is a start-up in the United States that specialises in the financial exchanges and data sector, with a focus on artificial intelligence and robotics.

It provides a mobile application for monitoring North American equities, making it easier for traders and investors to access real-time market data. The app offers various chart types, technical indicators and detailed information on stock prices and market dynamics. It is available on both iOS and Android platforms, catering to a wide user base in the financial industry.

As a start-up in the financial sector, the client aims to provide innovative trading research tools and platform solutions for fund management, contributing to the dynamic landscape of stock and share trading in North America.


There was an existing iOS app for monitoring North American equities, and the team wanted to create an equivalent Android version. The challenges included improving libraries for app development.


To address the problem, the Computools team offered a CTO, who developed a roadmap for the solution. Our team used React Native for Android app development, allowing code reuse and faster development. They integrated the MPAndroidChart library for graphical displays, offering various chart types and high customisation.

The app’s features and functionalities included sign-up/sign-in via email, password restore, real-time display of current share prices, various chart types (candlestick and bar graphs), price indicators (RSI, MACD, Bollinger, Stochastic, etc.), details of shares with trend parameters, filters by price range or stock market, and the ability to create a list of tracked shares.


Computools’ CTO used optimal solutions to achieve their goals and made several improvements that made the application even more effective for the client.

Developing an Android version allowed the app to expand its user base to the Android platform. The project included enhancements to the application’s interface, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing. It also involved correcting the logic of price indicators, ensuring that the app provided accurate and reliable information for traders and investors.



Computools CTO as a Service was chosen due to expertise, effective communication, agile methodologies, innovation and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions on time.



The plan was to provide innovative trading research tools and platform solutions for fund management, primarily in the North American equities market.

Approach to solution

The client’s selection process involved carefully evaluating potential development partners, including considering industry expertise, technology competency, communication effectiveness, project management methodologies, innovation and delivery punctuality. Computools was the preferred choice due to its extensive experience, financial industry knowledge and commitment to delivering a high-quality solution.

Computools role

Our company offered the services of a CTO who developed the plan, assembled the team and brought the project to the support stage.

Key decisions and outcomes

The Android version introduced several essential features and functionalities, including:

  • The application offered a sign-up/sign-in mechanism via email to create personalised user accounts.
  • Users could restore their passwords if forgotten or lost.
  • The platform provided an online, real-time display of current share prices from North American markets.
  • The app included various chart types, including candlestick and bar graphs, allowing users to visualise price movements.
  • The application featured a set of technical price indicators, like Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Bollinger Bands, Stochastic, to help users make informed trading decisions.
  • Users can access comprehensive details about individual shares, including open, close, high, low, bid, bid size, ask, ask size, change and change percentage.
  • The app offered filters for users to refine their search by price range or stock market and a search feature to find specific company shares.
  • Users could create and manage their lists of shares to be tracked.


Design plays an important role in creating a satisfying user experience and a successful marketing strategy for a mobile app.

kencharts user persona


A detailed profile of the target user, including their characteristics, behaviours and goals, to guide product development and marketing strategies.

kencharts site map


An organised and hierarchical structure that outlines the website's pages and their relationships, serving as a blueprint for navigation and content.

kencharts wireframes


Visual representations of webpage layouts, showing the basic structure and placement of elements without detailed design, aiding in the planning and communication of website design.

kencharts user interface


The visual and interactive elements of a website or application that users interact with and that influence the user experience, including menus, buttons, forms, and the overall design.



The project management approach included a combination of Scrum and Kanban. Scrum was used for dividing complex tasks into smaller, manageable parts and visualising the workflow, while Kanban was employed to ensure continuous development and delivery. This combination allowed the team to work on both long-term tasks and issues that arose during development, making the process more efficient.

The careful selection and utilisation of these digital platforms and technologies played a crucial role in successfully developing Android applications. They contributed to creating a user-friendly, feature-rich application for monitoring North American equities and aligning with the client’s objectives in the financial exchanges and data sector.



kencharts project timeline


Working with Computools was a game-changer for our company. Their expertise and dedication helped us develop cutting-edge solutions that transformed our business. We highly recommend their services.


For inquiries and collaboration opportunities, please feel free to contact us via email at

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Your request will be carefully researched by our experts. We will get in touch with you within one business day.